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The Marx Organ from 1793

Soon after the first indications of major faults of the Schmidt organ became obvious, organ builder Julius Ernst Marx of Berlin was called to rebuild or replace the existing organ. Work commenced in 1789 and was completed in 1793.

The written sources occasionally talk about a new build, but on the other hand, repairs of components are mentioned. Also at other locations, Marx appeared to be a less serious business-man (e. g. in Stralsund). It may be concluded that  extant material of the Schmidt organ has been retainend much more than stated officially. However, certrain problems of the organ remained unsolved.

From the Marx organ, today the windchests of Great Pedal, old Small Pedal, and Manuals II, III and I (except Kronwerk chest) are preserved, as well as the pedal reed stops Posaune 32′ and Posaune 16′. More pipework by Marx may exist but could not be surely assigned yet.

(previous: The Schmidt Organ of 1770 – next: Alterations 1836-1917)


Haupt Manual
Prinzipal 16′
Bordun 16′
Octave 8′
Violadagamba 8′
Octave 4′
Flaute 4′
Quinte 6′
Quinte 3′
Octave 2′
Cornett 5fach Discant
Mixtur 6fach
Cimbel 4fach
Fagott 16′
Trompete 8′

Ober Werk
Principal 16′
Octave 8′
Gemshorn 8′
Salicional 8′
Rohrflöte 8′
Octave 4′
Rohrflöte 4′
Waldflöte 2′
Rauschquinte 3fach
Mixtur 5fach
Cimbel 3fach
Trompete 16′

Mittel Werk
Quintatön 16′
Principal 8′
Gedakt 8′
Flut d’amour 8′
Flut travers 8′
Octave 4′
Vugara 4′
Octave 2′
Terz 1 3/5′
Nasat 3fach
Mixtur 4fach
Hautbois 8′

Forte Piano
Prestant 8′
Flut travers Disc. 8′
Quintatön 8′
Gedakt 8′
Octave 4′
Cimbel 3fach
Vox humana Disc. 8′

Vorder Pedal
Prinzipal 32′
Untersatz 32′
Violon 16′
Octave 8′
Octave 4′
Posaune 32′
Trompete 8′

Hinter Pedal
Subbaß 16′
Gemshorn 8′
Quinta 6′
Octave 8′
Mixtur 6fach
Mixtur 4fach
Posaune 16′
Trompete 8′
Clairon 4′

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