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As of July 2024, the amount of funds available to the project is more than 720,000 Euro! It comes from different source (two supporting societies, the parish und the “Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz” foundation.

Restoration and Planning

Following the last meetings of the restoration project’s Board of Organ Experts and the Organ Commission, a concept for the restoration has been acknowledged. It draws the outline for a combination of restoration, re-organisation and new components. In January 2024, a planning competition was announced. It has two stages, closing in May resp. August 2024. Four competitors from three European countries have qualified for participation. The results have been published in November. Read more about the competition here>.


2023 and 2024: No special events have been arranged. But the organ is continuosly featured within small concerts and services (agenda here>). And the visits during the daily noon prayers, wehre the organ is played, too,  are succesful as ever.

2022: Two splendid fundraising concerts took place, the first was a wonderful performance by Daniel Hope in March (read more>), the second one a concert with the German Medics Orchestra on September 17 (read more>).

See the latest posts from all categories:

Design Competition completed

In September 2024, the Design Competition for “Restoration and the Re-Design od the Organ of St Mary’s Church of Rostock” has been completed.

Structural Analysis of Organ Loft

Eine Kurzdokumentation und drei Animationen zur statischen Konstruktion von Orgel und Empore liegen vor.

Tag des offenen Denkmals 2023

Vier Termine rund um die Orgel von St. Marien!

Turn of the Year 2022-2023

Some minor developments at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023

Benefit Concert on Sept 17, 2022

On 17 September 2022, a concert of the Deutsches Ärzte-Orchester (German Medics Orchestra) took place in St Mary’s Church as a benefit performance for the restoration of organ and duke’s loft.

Third Meeting of the Advisory Board

On August 18, 2022, the Advisory Board held its third meeting.

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