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Gallery: Wind Supply

Above the center tower chapel (today’s Winter Chapel) the blower chamber is situated. It contains two radial blowers (1905 and 1938 resp. around 1970), three reservoirs (1905) and a low voltage current system (1938). Above, two old wedge bellows (1845?) are still extant.

Über der mittleren Turmhalle (heutige Winterkirche) liegt die Gebläsekammer mit zwei Schleudergebläsen (1905, 1938 bzw. ca. 1970), drei Magazinbälgen (1905) und einer Schwachstromanlage (1938). Außerdem sind noch zwei ältere Keilbälge (1845?) vorhanden.

Position of the blowers in the tower chamber (blue), organ (yellow), connecting footpath (grey). Trunking is lead through two tunnels

Position of blower system in the tower chamber

Eastbound view of blower system, the blowers are off, the reservoirs are deflated

Blowers working, reservoirs filled

Blick Richtung Südost

Situation before 2012, instead of the Ventus blower the Sauer "Aria" blower from 1938 is still in place

Main trunk to reservoir

Above the reservoirs there are two wedge bellows from 1842 or before

Northbound view of the bellow's bottom plates

Remains of the treading array (beam guides, treading step)

Blower produced by Pollrich, Leipzig, 1905

Pollrich blower with younger rotary current drive

Pollrich blower

Sauer "Aria" blower from 1938, removed in 2012 due to heavy intoxication by wood preservatives

Bosch generators with drive attached at the back

Some resonators of former free reed stops, stored in blower chamber

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