Concert Series Summer 2020
Corona crisis has changed many plans. In Rostock’s Church of St. Mary’s there will be a series of short End-of-Week-Concerts, lasting for about 30 minutes, entrance fee: donations for independent musicians.
Scheduled is music for organ solo, organ with voice, organ with instrument….
Following programmes have been arranged yet:
26. Juni: Karl-Bernhardin Kropf (Organ), Bach and Improvisation
3. Juli: Jana-Christin Walter (Soprano), Karl-Bernhardin Kropf, Organ
(Becker, Dubois, Kapp, Lange, Vierne)
10. Juli: Uwe Murek (Saxophone), Benjamin Jäger (Organ)
17. Juli: Marcos Atala (Violin), Benjamin Jäger (Organ)
24. Juli: Karla Schröter (Baroque Oboe), Karl-B. Kropf (Positive Organ)