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Become a Principal Donator!

Certificate Draft

In the course of the Bach-Festival in Rostock in May 2019, the “Become a Principal Donator!” campaign was started!

In 1770, organ builder Paul Schmidt of Rostock completed his most ambitous project at the western wall of St. Mary’s Church. Today, the instrument contains 5,700 pipes from different times, dating back mostly to the year of 1938.

Recently, the bad condition of the instrument can hardly be  hidden anymore. The exterior was reworked the last time in 1885 – gilding and colour are covered with dirt and partially peeling off.

Most critical is the situation in the organ’s interior: Already in 2016, some capacitors blew up due to their exceeded life-time during a service. The low current system of the organ dates back to 1938 and is a fire hazard. The already restored surroundings of the organ (pulpit, vault, walls) call for the restoration of its exterior, and the fire in the cathedral of Paris makes us aware to keep those risks low.
Therefore, there is urgent need for action!

To prepare all works, expertises and research are necessary. Among them are the exact measuring of the organ case with a comprehensive analysis regarding restoration and measures to reduce the contamination with toxic wood preservatives. The estimates of costs already reach about 50,000 Euro. Exterior restoration will need several hundred thousands EURs and on the technical side, re-establishing oprational safety will need at least about 100,000 EUR.
Update 2024: Much of this has been achieved, thanks to major donors and many single donations. Funds already granted or announced sum up to EUR 850,000, thereof around EUR 100,000 have been spent on research and the design competition of 2024. Still, there is much work to be done.

Help us with this –
Become a Principal Donator!

1.) from latin „principalis“, literally „First, Principal, President“
2.) name of a very important organ stop

In this early phase of the project, all preparations (which can not be funded by public institutions) have to be realized as in-house effort by the parish and its society of church music friends.

Anybody who decides to help us and to go ahead couragously now, is worthy to be named „Principal Donator“!

Starting from EUR 100,-, we issue a certificate with this title. So, when transferring your donation, please add your name and complete postal address to receive it. Donations may be tax deductive within the EU.

Thank you for reading, sharing this information and supporting!

Account holder:  Förderverein für Kirchenmusik
Purpose of transfer: „Orgel“
VR Bank Mecklenburg eG
IBAN: DE60140613080003647838

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