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Report on 2009 Symposium published

The Organ of St. Mary’s Rostock –
Restoration? Reconstruction? New Build? Re-Organisation?

This was the title of a conference (“Kolloquium”) held with pominent participants in November 2009 in Rostock. (First reported on this website here>).

Eleven years afterwards, the report of this conference has finally been published. It contains the exact transscript of all discussions and contributions. A comprehensive postface has been added by St. Mary’s organist, telling about the developments made after 2009, about the realisation of measures recommended by the experts and presenting new historic evidence regarding the situation of the organ’s rebuild and inauguration in 1938.

The report is in German but is concluded by an English summary.

The publication is digital, though some printed volumes will be handed over to certain archives in the region.

PDF file (2,4 MB)>>

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